Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Finally I know what I'm doing

Hi, blog!

So I finally know exactly what I'm doing for my short film.

My short film is going to be focused on a bodybuilder (played by my brother) who is obsessed with working out and achieving what he believes to be the perfect body. However, this obsession takes a toll on him and it is revealed he has taken some unhealthy measures to achieve this. Sometime throughout the film, we find out the bodybuilder is actually kind of famous and is the idol of another boy (played by my boyfriend). This boy wants to be just like the bodybuilder and will do whatever it takes to be just like his idol. I think the "twist" is going to be when you find out that the boy actually looks up to the bodybuilder from the beginning and they both have this obsession thing going on.

This story sticks to my original idea of an obsessed fan in a bit of a different way but I'm pretty satisfied with it. I already know a ton of the shots that I'm going to use and have jotted them down in my phone. I am going to film next week. This week I am going to focus more on working on my postcard and website.

Well, that's all for now!

- Rachel

Sunday, March 29, 2020

New ideas

Hi, blog!

As I mentioned in my previous blog post, I was brainstorming some new ideas for my short film to make it easier for me with my limited amount of potential actors, as well as settings.

It was announced today that we will be social distancing and quarantined for another 30 days, so that's great. I really wish people would just follow protocol and stop with social gatherings 🙄. Sorry for sounding so angry but it's true!

Ok, enough of the ranting. I mentioned in my previous blog post that I thought about having the obsessive fan be a sort of aspiring bodybuilder who is obsessed with working out and getting bigger. Since my brother matches the role of an aspiring bodybuilder and he's just about the only actor I can use besides my parents, I think this might be the route I will have to go down. Plus, I wouldn't be changing too much from my original short film idea, it's really the same thing but in a different manner.

We have workout equipment at my house so I think I could get a lot of shots of my brother working out and stuff even though all the gyms are closed. This idea is just so much easier for me and makes a lot more sense for me to do considering all the obstacles I and the rest of the world have been faced with. I will ponder on this idea some more but I'm almost sure this is what I want to do and the idea that I will commit to. I have to think of shots, the script, and how I am going to go about dialogue for my filmI really hope everything works out. My fingers are crossed.

I hope everyone is staying safe and practicing social distancing!

That's all for now 💘

- Rachel

PS. I think this gif is hilarious & I love Jim Carrey haha

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Maybe some small changes??

Hi, blog!

As I mentioned in my last post, things are pretty hectic right now. I'm sure COVID-19 has thrown us all off, especially us in AICE Media 😅. This was literally the worst time for this virus to happen, not that any time would have been good. But of course, this is happening when I need to get a five-minute short film done and turned in. Ughhhh why must this be happening?

I've been very stressed thinking about this project and other things so I've thought a lot about this and will probably have to go through with it as I'm very limited on time.

So, originally my short film was going to be about an obsessive fan who wants to be just like the celebrity they're obsessing over, driving them closer and closer to madness. Considering I needed multiple actors for this idea to be carried out the way I wanted, I've tried to think of a new idea that falls along the same line but does not require so many actors, perhaps a one-man show type of thing.

Ugh, I'm kind of dying right now because I'm kind of wishing I chose documentary instead of a short film. If I knew this was going to happen, I definitely would have done that and done an excerpt on bodybuilding. The only subjects I can really work with right now are my mom, dad, and brother. My brother is pretty much a bodybuilder, but he doesn't compete or do anything like that. He used to be a real skinny kid with almost no body fat to 270 pounds and full of muscle. I think this might've been an interesting documentary topic and probably would have been easier considering how limited I am on actors and everything.

But it's too late for that so I've been trying to think of some changes I can make to my short film to make it easier for me to film and complete.

I thought about possibly having my brother as the main actor and he's an obsessive fan of a bodybuilder and wants to be just like him so he pushes himself to look just like the bodybuilder, and possibly pushed to a breaking point. This is an idea that I've thought about for a little bit but I'm not entirely sure yet if that's what I want to do. But I know I have to think fast. This whole thing really sucks.

Well, that's all for now!

- Rachel

Monday, March 23, 2020

AICE exams are no más

Hi, blog!

Well all AICE exams have officially been canceled due to COVID-19.

This was a shock but at the same time, it wasn't as I knew there was no way we were going to be able to do the exams, at least in person, with everything going on.

So I'm not exactly sure what is happening in regards to the media exam and portfolio project but I'm sure we still have the portfolio project counted as a grade, at least I'd hope so.

With that being said, this post is really just an update on what's going on right now. I feel like I'm running out of things to write about, unfortunately. Everything is just so hectic right now. I would have never imagined in a million years that any of this would be happening. It's all so crazy.

Well, I hope everyone is washing their hands and staying safe!

That's all for now.

- Rachel

Saturday, March 21, 2020


Hi, blog!

In this post, I am going to talk about branding my short film. As I continue to work on my website and postcard I am focusing on color psychology and key art.

Since my short film is about an obsessive fan, my genre falls in the psychological thriller category. This is one of my favorite genres as I love thrillers that explore the mind or even have the audience question their own minds. With that being said, I am focusing on using darker colors for my marketing content (postcard, website social media, etc.). I will be using lots of blacks, greys, whites, and reds. Red is a color that I associate with the thriller genre a lot and it's a color that I think really captures an audience's attention.

The website builder Wix makes choosing a color scheme super easy as they have a sidebar that allows you to choose from various different color schemes when building your site. This is really helpful and I love how easy Wix is to use. I highly recommend it.

I would use the same red, black, grey, white color scheme when it comes to the postcard. Using these colors lets the audience know that this film will be on the darker side. I've also come up with an idea for the key art. I like the idea of having the obsessed fan back to back with the person she's obsessed with as that kind of gives off the idea that she wants to be just like her, or that she (or he) is leading a double life. I would have the picture in a darker color scheme as well. This is the picture I would put on the postcard and the website.

I will provide more updates on this process later!

Well, that's all for now!

- Rachel

Thursday, March 19, 2020


Hi, blog!

So I've decided to make this blog post dedicated to distribution, specifically how I would distribute my piece.

First, I would submit my short to various film festivals. Some of these film festivals would include the Sundance Film Festival, Raindance Film Festival, Austin Film Festival, and the Tribeca Film Festival. According to the article "The Twelve Things You Should Know Before Submitting to Sundance," "A Sundance short requires the length of the film to be 49 minutes or less, though the average is usually between seven and 15. They can be narrative, animated, documentary or anything art-driven and experimental. Only 60 short films are chosen from a submission pool of around 9,000—all due on September 15."

There was another interesting part of the article that talked about saving money when submitting to a festival. It said, "Regardless of your film’s budget, it’s usually a good idea to save money and there are a few reasons why. Barrera advised the audience to add a festival marketing line item to your post-production budget. In the event that your film does get chosen for Sundance (or any other film festival), it’s going to cost you for deliverables prep, travel, lodging, materials, etc.—so it’s wise to think ahead and be prepared."

"Another way to save during the submissions process is to send Vimeo links. Although DVDs will still be accepted, the programmers highly recommend not wasting your money on them. Online links not only save money but time as well. Vimeo is the most common way filmmakers submit their films. "

As I read more of the article I realized there were a lot of things I didn't know about when it comes to submitting a film to a film festival.

If I were to then win a spot in a festival and have the opportunity to have my short widely distributed, I would distribute it through Netflix or Amazon Prime, or both. These are two of the most popular streaming services so I believe my short film would have the opportunity to reach a large audience if I ere to distribute it through these platforms.

Well, that's all for now!

- Rachel

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Hi, blog!

This coronavirus is really stressing me out in terms of my project. Since basically everyone is quarantined, I have no idea what to do about my project. It's too late to change my idea but I just don't know how I'm going to make it work.

Since I do live with my brother, I could try to make the lead a male instead of a female, even though I originally wanted the lead to be a female. But I just don't know what else to do and I can't exactly rely on anyone as everything is uncertain now.

On top of that, I feel like I'm running out of things to write about on here ugh. I'm just very stressed and I'm trying to keep calm but I don't know if it's working very well.

I will give updates about what's going on.

Well, that's all for now!

- Rachel

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Working on the Website!

Hi, blog!

So, as I said in one of my previous postings, I'm focusing a lot on working on the website and postcard this week.

For my website, I've decided to use Wix.com as it's my favorite website builder to use and is very user-friendly. Wix gives you the option to put in all the information you want on your site and builds a website template for you, which is extremely convenient compared to other website builders such as Godaddy.com. Also, Wix has its own app, which once again means I can edit from my phone!

I'm mostly just playing around with it today and seeing what kind of template I like as I still need to get pictures and other things for content for the site. This whole Coronavirus is stressing me out as they're starting to shut down more and more places and stores in order to keep the virus under control. This means I will more than likely have limited options for filming locations if I do decide to film in any public place. However, in my planning, I had a lot of the shots taking place in the main character's bedroom and house, so hopefully, this virus situation won't impact me too greatly.

When trying to view the website on my phone, it was formatted a little weird so I took a video from my laptop and have included it below:

I will continue playing around with Wix and see what works and what doesn't for this website and hopefully, Corona won't get in the way of my project!

Well, that's all for now!

- Rachel

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Working on Postcard!!

Hi, blog!

With Coronavirus messing up everyone's schedule, I decided now would be a perfect time to work on and complete both my postcard and website.

In this blog post, I'll be focusing more on the postcard.

I've decided to use the website Canva to make my postcard as I find it very easy to use and I've used it in the past for previous projects. I also like that I can edit from my phone.

I looked at some of the previous projects on Mrs. Stoklosa's website and liked the postcards more in the 2017-2018 projects so I took inspiration from some of those.

I've been playing around with Canva and I kind of like this format for my postcard:

Obviously I will replace those pictures once I can get them. I plan on putting the main character's face along with the celebrity's as the picture but split up as seen in the postcard if that makes any sense? I'm also not sure if this is what I want to call my short film but I will probably stick with that name or call it something very similar.

Well, that's all for now!

- Rachel

Friday, March 13, 2020


Hi, blog!

Well, this has certainly been a hectic week.

Due to the COVID-19 virus, aka Coronavirus, we are not in school for the next two weeks. While this does give me a lot of time to work on my project, it also presents new setbacks. A lot of people I know don't even want to leave their house, which may cause me problems when trying to gather my actors for filming. I know a lot of people in the class ar freaking out because they have nothing to film now or none of their actors can leave the house.

If worst comes to worst, I can always star in my own movie.

Yeah, no.

I apologize for the short blog post but I just wanted to give an update on what's going on right now.

Stay safe everyone!

- Rachel

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Reading Other Screenplays

Hi, blog!

So I've been doing more research in between drawing and writing out my scenes and I read a few screenplays but there's one that I liked in particular.

Behind every great movie is a great screenplay, and that can definitely be said for Darren Aronofsky's Black Swan (2010). In Black Swan, Nina (Natalie Portman) is a ballerina whose passion for the dance rules every facet of her life. When the company's artistic director decides to replace his prima ballerina for their opening production of "Swan Lake," Nina is his first choice. She has competition in newcomer Lily (Mila Kunis) however. While Nina is perfect for the role of the White Swan, Lily personifies the Black Swan. As the rivalry between the two dancers transforms into a twisted friendship, Nina's dark side begins to emerge.

While this film doesn't deal with an obsessed fan, I love the way it captures Nina's obsession with her craft, which is ballet. Nina's obsession with being the best overcomes her life and in the process, she experiences many bizarre things.

I read a bit of the script for Black Swan and just loved it. It is very well written and I think captures the essence of what I want for my film very well.

Here are a few pages of the screenplay from the opening scene that I liked in particular:

Well, that's all for now!

- Rachel

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Mini Storyboard

Hi blog!

So I’ve started thinking of some of the shots that I want to incorporate into my short film. It seems like
I've come up with a lot of close up shots. 

I made a mini storyboard with some of the shots that I want to be included in the opening scene. I really want the opening scene to give off a suspenseful vibe and kind of have the audience guessing what the main girl is doing or why she seems uptight, or so drawn into what she is doing. Therefore, as you can see in the storyboard, I included various close-ups to try to achieve that feel.

Here’s the mini storyboard:

I’m going to come up with a larger storyboard for some of the other scenes but this is just my idea for the
opening scene. I don't like using any kind of software for the storyboard because I feel like drawing it out
myself gives me more freedom to make it look exactly how I want it to.

Hopefully, I’ll have an updated storyboard for some of the other scenes in some of my future blogs.

Well, that’s all for now!


Saturday, March 7, 2020


Hi blog!

As of now, I’ve been playing around with the Celtx screenwriting software. It’s pretty practical and easy to
use so I think this is the software I am going to stick with. It’s also the software Mrs. Stoklosa
recommended for us to use. I also like that I can edit from my phone. 

While I’m still coming up with shots and lines, I kind of have an idea of what I want to do in regards to
these aspects. I think I am going to do a monologue with the main character’s voice as a voiceover in
order to let the audience know what she is thinking. Or, I could do no monologue at all and have the
audience see what she is thinking solely through her actions, but I think the voiceover idea might be
more effective in reaching the goal I am trying to achieve. 

I am going to watch some movies that have to do with obsession ants look at their screenplays. I plan on
looking at films such as Black Swan, The Fanatic, and The Fan.

Well, that’s all for now!


Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Hi blog!

As I mentioned in my previous blog post, I am doing my short film on the idea of an obsessive fangirl that
wants to be just like the person she is admiring,

As of now, I must get an idea and come up with who I want as my cast.

I have juggled with the idea of whether I want my main character to be a boy or a girl. After thinking about
it more, I think it might be easier for me to use a girl as the obsessive character as I can do more with
that I think. I also feel like girls tend to be more fanatic-like when it comes to their favorite celebrities. 

With that being said, here is an idea of what my cast will look like:

Main character- girl in her late teens-early 20s who is obsessed with female celebrity

Main character’s mother- becomes concerned about her daughter’s behavior/or is completely oblivious
to this behavior and thinks nothing of it

Main character’s friend/or boyfriend- notices their behavior is excessive and attempts to try to stop
their behavior/encourage the main character to stop their behavior as they are getting out of hand

Celebrity that main character is obsessed with- singer/actor that main character is obsessed with (still
deciding if I want them to have a legitimate role in the film)

So, I’m still struggling with what I want to happen at the end of the film. One of my ideas is that the girl, in
the end, ends up trying to look just like the celebrity. My other idea is that the girl ends up kidnapping the
celebrity or something and it ends on a thrilling kind of note. I’m still kind of deciding.

Well, that’s all for now!

- Rachel

Monday, March 2, 2020

Finally have an idea!

Hi, blog!

Today in class we continued our Socratic seminar group meeting and I presented a few of my ideas to the
class. Eventually, I came to the conclusion of creating my short film focused around the idea of an
obssesed fan. I knew I wanted to make a short film focused on someone’s mental state and how
something in their life consumes them, so I think the idea of obsession is the perfect way to go about
creating my short film. 

These were some of the ideas I was given during the Socratic seminar:

Social media
Paranoia about sickness
Obsessive fangirl

Eventually, as I mentioned above, I decided to go down the obsessive fangirl route because I also feel
like I can do a lot with this in terms of creating a suspenseful kind of piece. I have the opportunity to use
a lot of different/interesting shots that I believe can aid me in creating a nice piece. 

As of now, I need to start coming up with some of the shots I wan to use in my film as well as the
characters. My next blog post will more than likely have to do with casting, I’m still trying to figure that out

Well, that’s all for now!

- Rachel

Sunday, March 1, 2020

I Thought of Something New

Hi, blog!

So I've thought of yet ANOTHER idea.

I mentioned in one of my previous blog posts that I want to explore someone's mental state in my short film. I believe doing this will give me a lot of things to do with my piece and will give me a lot of ideas. I really enjoy pieces that have something to do with this idea. Some of these pieces include:

Shutter Island (2010): "The implausible escape of a brilliant murderess brings U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his new partner (Mark Ruffalo) to Ashecliffe Hospital, a fortress-like insane asylum located on a remote, windswept island. The woman appears to have vanished from a locked room, and there are hints of terrible deeds committed within the hospital walls. As the investigation deepens, Teddy realizes he will have to confront his own dark fears if he hopes to make it off the island alive."

Suspiria (1977): "Suzy (Jessica Harper) travels to Germany to attend ballet school. When she arrives, late on a stormy night, no one lets her in, and she sees Pat (Eva Axén), another student, fleeing from the school. When Pat reaches her apartment, she is murdered. The next day, Suzy is admitted to her new school but has a difficult time settling in. She hears noises and often feels ill. As more people die, Suzy uncovers the terrifying secret history of the place."

Black Swan (2010): "Nina (Natalie Portman) is a ballerina whose passion for the dance rules every facet of her life. When the company's artistic director decides to replace his prima ballerina for their opening production of "Swan Lake," Nina is his first choice. She has competition in newcomer Lily (Mila Kunis) however. While Nina is perfect for the role of the White Swan, Lily personifies the Black Swan. As the rivalry between the two dancers transforms into a twisted friendship, Nina's dark side begins to emerge."

Each of these pieces includes someone's descent into madness or the exploration of their mental state ad how their surroundings affect them. I really like how these pieces portray that idea and I really want to do something similar.

Well, that's all for now!

- Rachel