Hi, blog!
So I got a lot of filming done today which is good because a lot of my stress is now relieved. I’ve been using my mom’s Nikon camera for filming because I definitely want a higher quality look rather than just filming from my iPhone, not that iPhone’s quality is bad but, you know. I did all of my brother’s filming today at our house so I just have to upload all of the footage to my laptop. I’m pretty glad I decided to go down this route for my short film as a lot of footage is the stuff that my brother does naturally, minus the steroids of course. Therefore, it was pretty easy to film him and he was very cooperative. Since all the gyms are closed for quarantine, my brother actually built his own gym equipment and has been keeping it in our backyard. I filmed my brother standing around and using some of this equipment which I think is a pretty good mise en scene element for what I’m going for. I’ve been on the fence about a certain aspect of my film: dialogue. Since my film doesn’t necessarily involve anyone talking to anyone, I don’t think I’m gonna have much dialogue at all. If anything I might include a voiceover monologue relating to the super fan’s obsession with the bodybuilder. I think this might be a good idea. Other than that, I have to now film all the scenes involving the superfan. This requires me to go to my boyfriend’s house (I know, I’m breaking quarantine rules but don’t worry I’ll stay 6 feet away!!) and filming him kind of doing a similar normal routine, with a little bit of a twist. Well, that’s pretty much it, just giving an update on how things are going and what I’ve gotten done.
That’s all for now!
- Rachel
- Rachel
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